Financial donations help the church help others.
This is the quickest, most efficient and totally secure way to donate through your bank.
You can help to support our church by simply sending an Email Transfer from the security of your own bank. Just add Runnymede Presbyterian Church to your list using the email address
Then send us a normal email to with the special password that you added to the transfer. Please provide your name and address so that we may send you a tax receipt. (We provide a single receipt at the end of the year.)
This is a most convenient, secure and cost-effective way to support our work. This is like paying a bill or paying your dog walker.
Contact your bank if you are unsure of how to send email payments.
Online Donations
Canada Helps
You can click on the link below to donate through our online donation system. This method provides you with a charitable receipt immediately from Canada Helps and can be accessed anywhere in North America. Charges to the church apply.
Runnymede Presbyterian Church accepts donations online through the CanadaHelps organization.
Runnymede Presbyterian Church
Other Donations
Financial support can be directed to Operating Support for all things within the church or to Outreach Support which includes special neighbourhood projects and local food banks such as The Sharing Place and Cooper Mills-Gooch Community Food Bank.
The church accepts donations of new or lightly used clothing. We also accept non-perishable goods, dental supplies and hygiene materials. These materials are taken to Evangel Hall Mission.
To arrange for the goods to be received, please email or leave a telephone message at 416-767-2689.