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Elders and Session
Runnymede Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The Presbyterian form of government is based on eldership.
The oversight and leadership of a congregation is exercised by the Session. The Session is made up of one or more teaching elders and ruling elders. The teaching elder, usually referred to as the minister, is charged with the responsibilities for preaching and teaching in the congregation. Ruling elders are elected and ordained members of the congregation who are chosen for their spiritual gifts and leadership abilities.
The teaching elder and ruling elders work in partnership to lead, guide and support the congregation. Most decisions about the life and work of the congregation are made by the Session of a congregation.
Board of Managers
The Board of Managers could also be called the board of stewards. Steward carries with it the understanding of caring for someone else’s property or wealth. Members of the Board of Managers act on behalf of the congregation they serve, and ultimately, God.
The Board is responsible for the temporal and financial affairs of the congregation. In other words they are responsible for caring for church property and overseeing the congregation’s finances. The Board works closely with and is accountable to the Session of the congregation.
Women of Runnymede
The Women (and Men) of Runnymede traditionally organize fundraising and fellowship events for the church. We are well known in our community for our chicken pies and apple pies which are sold at our spring and winter bake sales. The fundraising done by this group supports: The Scott Mission, West Toronto Support Services (Meals-on-Wheels) and the Yonge Street Mission and our own congregation.
Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)
The Women’s Missionary Society is a community of Christians whose purpose, in response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, is to encourage one another and all the people of the church to be involved in local and world mission through prayer, study, service and fellowship.
Usually, we meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Email the church office to request the Zoom meeting link.
Our meetings follow a pattern of devotion, study and prayer time. Refreshments are served at the end of our meetings and a social time is enjoyed. Each of our members participate as they are able. A free will offering is taken to support the work of the national Women’s Missionary Society each meeting.
All are welcome to our meetings.
Do you love to sing? Join the choir! No experience necessary.
Our choir director, Janna Korovina, guides us each week through practice and the Sunday service. Choir practice is Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm and we are always looking for new choir members. Practice is also Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We welcome new faces and musical talents.