May all who enter as guests, leave as friends.
Join us for Sunday worship at 11 a.m. in person and on Zoom.
Please email us at to be added to our Zoom link email list.

Join The Church
Zoom Services
Zoom Worship is at 11 a.m. on Sundays.
Zoom Coffee & Chat at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays continues with strong support!
If you are interested in being notified about these events, email the church office at
We’ll add your email address to our list and notify you by email the details of the next meeting.
Latest sermon
February 2, 2025
Love Without Limits
Rev. Tim Purvis
Groups at Runnymede
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Elders and Session
The Teaching elder and Ruling elders work in partnership to lead, guide and support the congregation.
Board of Managers
The Board of Managers could also be called the board of stewards. Steward carries with it the understanding of caring for someone else’s property or wealth.
Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)
Our meetings are led by the president of the group and follow a pattern of devotion, study and prayer time.
Do you love to sing? Join the choir! No experience necessary. Choir practice is Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm and we are always looking for new choir members.
Hip Hop & God Discussion Group
A discussion group to explore the themes of God and religion in Hip-Hop (and other music genres) with RPC’s youth.